If you are like a lot of the incredible souls I work with, you are pretty successful in your world. You have worked hard, really hard and the rewards have been there – the status, the dollars, the house, the holidays, the list goes on.
Yet, the further you go, the less fulfilling it becomes and the more exposed you feel. If only they knew. Not to mention, the sacrifices - Family, relationships, health. All for what?
It’s time to crave more and demand better – from yourself, from the work you do in the world, from the people around you and from the relationships you choose. Listen deeply to the part of you that is screaming – there must be more.
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
All our executive coaching programs have been passionately created, tested, measured, revised and evolved over almost 20 years and 15,000 hours of real coaching with real people and organisations just like you – all to ensure the best outcomes possible in whatever areas of work or life you choose to excel in.
This gold standard program runs over an approximately 6-month period, with coaching sessions held on a fortnightly basis for up to 2 hours at a time, as well as between session contact as needed. Each session is focused on the executive/leader’s mastery of all domains of their life, with a huge focus on real, sustainable and deep alignment and change.
Perfect for the Leader/Executive who is either transitioning to a higher role or wishing to evolve their organisation, business and life to the next level.
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